Photos Courtesy of Stella Magloire: [ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”9″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_thumbnails” override_thumbnail_settings=”0″ thumbnail_width=”100″ thumbnail_height=”75″ thumbnail_crop=”1″ images_per_page=”200″ number_of_columns=”0″ ajax_pagination=”0″ show_all_in_lightbox=”0″ use_imagebrowser_effect=”0″ show_slideshow_link=”0″ slideshow_link_text=”[Show as slideshow]” order_by=”filename” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]
OUR SUPPORTERS IN HURRICANE JEANNE RELIEF EFFORTS SPECIAL THANKS TO: CASK, Creative Art Space for Kids Foundation Misrok & Rosenbaum, L.L.P. ESM Professional Services, Eisenberg & Simons Mr. Jean Claude Valin Carribbean Cup, Inc. Haitian American Alliance Haitian Times Lawrence Medas, Guaranteed International Freight & Trade Inc. MTA, Metropolitan Transit […]
Flood Devastation in Haiti On the 18th and 19th of September, Hurricane Jeanne and subsequent tropical storms flooded Haiti’s north and northwest. The city of Gonaives, with a population of roughly 200,000 people, was particularly hard hit: floodwaters reached three meters in some places. Coastal Port de Paix town and […]
Haiti Relief Fund’s Anti-Cholera Expedition Crew on their way to Laval, now at Morne Zeb Gine doing anti-Cholera prevention. One hour from Laval, to reach Laval it takes 9 hours, only walking, there is no road for vehicles.
2 of 2 videos, January 3, 2014 Haiti Relief Fund visited The COENHA Orphanage we built after Huricane Issac in 2012. These SafeT Homes were donated by Sukup Manufacturing, special thank you to Brett Nelson, Nick Sukup, and staff and all the volunteers that helped built this orphanage after Hurricane […]
Haiti Relief Fund visits Hospital Sodeth Santo 25, Croix-Des-Bouquets. The ambulance is about to take a patient to Mirbalais.
Sunday 10 August 2016, Haiti Relief Fund Anti-Cholera Expedition Crew doing Cholera prevention in De-Michel 11th section communal Carrefour, Tiana, a 2 year old infected with Cholera, her sister a 4 year old already died from Cholera. 6 Years after the United Nation brought Cholera into Haiti, October 2010. right […]
Sunday 10 August 2016, Haiti Relief Fund Anti-Cholera Expedition Crew doing Cholera prevention in De-Michel 11th section communal Carrefour, Tiana, a 2 year old infected with Cholera, her sister a 4 year old already died from Cholera. 6 Years after the United Nation brought Cholera into Haiti, October 2010. right […]
Haiti Relief Fund Expedition crew doing Cholera prevention in bas Morne Jolie Brois, 11th Section Riviere Froide Carrefour. Six years after the UN had brought Cholera into Haiti, the people in the remote mountain in Haiti are still dying from Cholera.
Haiti Relief Fund Anti-Cholera Expedition Crew doing Cholera prevention in Taifet, Local Morin, 16th section communal Carrefour. Cholera is in Haiti to stay for a while and every year durring the rainy season it goes on Red Alert.
Haiti Relief Fund’s Anti-Cholera Expedition Crew doing Cholera prevention in the nommunities of Carrefour.
Cholera is still in Haiti and its going to remain there for a long time because the UN Group that brought Cholera to Haiti is still have it in their country. As Cholera, during rainny season always reapeared some times more dreadful, as I am writing this here Sunday July […]
Project, First Responders Medical Center to be built on Route National # 8, Duval Roche Croix-des-Bouquets.
15 Octobre 2012 : Don par Morgan Demartin, du lycée de North Shore, Glen Head, NY de fournitures scolaires Morgan collecté des fournitures scolaires au lycée de North Shore et North Shore Middle School. Il sollicite activement des dons pendant la nuit de retour à l’école pour les deux écoles. […]
Vendredi 24 août 2012 : Expédition ambulance de Haïti du Fonds d’aide à Haïti. Don à l’hôpital de Sodeth pour aider a servi la communauté de Santo 25, premiers intervenants en cas d’urgence sur la Route 4 Croix-Des-Bouquets.
Samedi 8 septembre 2012 : Sukup et fonds de secours Haïti fabrique équipe vers le haut. Dans 3 jours que nous avons construit 7 préfabriqués foyers T à COENHA, Centre d’orientation aux Enfants Necessiteux d’Haïti. L’orphelinat a été endommagé pendant l’ouragan Isaac, et il y avait 48 enfants et 11 […]
Dans 3 jours que nous avons construit 7 préfabriqués foyers T à COENHA, Centre d’ Orientation aux Enfants Necessiteux d’Haïti. L’orphelinat a été endommagé pendant l’ouragan Isaac, et il y avait 48 enfants et 11 membres du personnel en 3 petites pièces de bois pressés. Personne n’a été blessé pendant […]
Jeudi 27 septembre 2012 : Personnel de Haiti Relief Fund, transport de bois pour la construction de la William Eisenberg Community School de Bedon, situé dans le 14ème. Section Morne A Chandelles. Il s’agit d’une tâche monumentale parce qu’il n’y a pas d’accès pour la navette par les véhicules. Pour […]
Jeudi 27 septembre 2012 : Président du Fonds de secours de Haïti, Carlo Thertus à l’Hôpital Universitaire De La Paix, faisant suivre vers le haut des dispositifs médicaux qui ont été donnés de 2 ans à l’hôpital. Nous trouvons, la radiographie du thorax : Machine qui a été donné a […]
October 15, 2012: School supplies donation by Morgan Demartin, from North Shore High School, Glen Head, NY Morgan collected school supplies at the North Shore High School and North Shore Middle School. He actively solicited donations at Back-to- School nights for both schools. This resulted in 10 boxes of school […]
Thursday, September 27, 2012: Haiti Relief Fund’s Chair, Carlo Thertus at Hospital Universitaire De La Paix, doing follow up on medical equipment that were donated 2 years ago to the Hospital. We find, the XRay Machine that was donated has been properly used to serve the need of the people. […]
Wednesday September 27, 2012: Haiti Relief Fund’s Staff transporting lumbers for the construction of The William Eisenberg Community School of Bedon, located in 14th. Section Morne A Chandelles. This is a monumental task because there is no access to commute by vehicles. To transport any building materials it takes 6 […]
In 3 days we have built 7 prefabricated safe T homes at COENHA, Centre d’ Orientation aux Enfants Necessiteux d’Haiti. The orphanage was damaged during Hurricane Issac and there were 48 children and 11 staff members in 3 small pressed wood rooms. No one was hurt during the hurricane but […]
Saturday September 8, 2012: Haiti Relief Fund and Sukup Manufactures Team Up. In 3 days we have built 7 prefabricated safe T homes at COENHA, Centre d’Orientation aux Enfants Necessiteux d’Haiti. The Orphanage was damaged during Hurricane Issac and there were 48 children and 11 staff members in 3 small […]
Friday August 24, 2012: Haiti Relief Fund’s shipping ambulance to Haiti. Donation to Hospital Sodeth to help served the community of Santo 25, first responders in case of an emergency on Route 4 Croix-Des-Bouquets.
May 13, 2012: Haiti Relief Fund’s Expedition Crew prepares for Cholera prevention and is ready to go to the community of 17th. section of Procy. Procy is located in the south east mountain of Haiti. Reaching Procy takes approximately 6 hours of walking time. Here, Cholera has resurfaced and has […]