1 of 2 Videos. December 11, 2011: Haiti Relief Fund’s Expedition Crew doing Cholera prevention in 20th. section communal Laval, south east of Haiti, a commune of Carrefour. To reach Laval is a 13 hours walk, Cholera prevention in this commune is vital.
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December 23, 2010. Haiti Relief Fund donates 1 barrel of chlorine bleach, 4 cases of soap, 2 cases of lactate ringers, 1 […]
2 of 3 Videos. December 10, 2011: Haiti Relief Fund donates plywoods in Fond Parisien to help the people improve their lives. Fond Parisien […]
August 26, 2011: Haiti Relief Fund expedition crew prepare Cholera prevention kit, soap, chlorine bleach and prevention flyers to do Cholera prevention, sanssibilization, […]
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