Sunday October 24, 2010 Haiti Relief Fund distribution of donated relief goods at Haiti Relief Fund’s Distribution Center
Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Sunday October 24, 2010 Haiti Relief Fund distribution of donated relief goods at Haiti Relief Fund’s Distribution Center
Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
November 22, 2011: Haiti Relief Fund Expedition Crew’s doing Cholera prevention in 21st. section communal Berly, formation and distribution of aqua-table pills and […]
June 3, 2011: With an outbreak of cholera in Haiti, Haiti Relief Fund donates chlorine bleach to Mr. Robinson Eugene for section 11 […]
January 24, 2011: Haiti Relief Fund donates chlorine bleach, medicals supplies, wheel chairs, tents and doors to Mr. Mackenzie Jean Francois C/O […]
September 3, 2011: Haiti Relief Fund expedition crew in Fond-Parisien doing humanitarian work, donates clothing and shoes to the people. Fond-Parisien a remote […]