A 7.0 earthquake hit southern Haiti and devastated the Port-au-Prince area. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2010/haiti.quake/
Haiti Relief Fund will be organizing relief efforts to aid those affected by this tragic event.
A 7.0 earthquake hit southern Haiti and devastated the Port-au-Prince area. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2010/haiti.quake/
Haiti Relief Fund will be organizing relief efforts to aid those affected by this tragic event.
Hansy Thomas, Vice President of Haiti Relief Fund, received 3 pallets of new shoes from Phoenix Footwear Group in Carlsbad, CA for […]
The goods are coming in and getting sorted! We just added additional drop off points to our site. These include: Haiti Relief […]
Joan Hornig Jewelry has added Haiti Relief Fund to their list of charities. The Joan B. Hornig Foundation foundation’s mission is to […]
July 17, 2010: Eagle Scout Matthew Agar-Johnson of Troop 664 in Manhattan and Rich Johnson dropped off a large donation of camping […]